Another misty morning in Barnet, Saturday to-do list: stuff, stuff, my son’s football game, prep for barbecue. Right now, iced coffee! I’ll jump back into tomorrow. Last day of 😎

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Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits! Wow, it’s August! So late for this morning. I think I needed the sleep. Hey, it happens. I’ll try to fit more time in later in the day. 😴😴😴

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Going over critique notes for my YA space opera. Also, revising a draft I wrote for this month. I’m loving this complete rewrite! & I was going to trash it?! Productive & July.

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Moving slowly this morning, but & this morning. Getting in the words & then transitioning to my plot board for There are notecards everywhere!

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Today is a note card & plotting session. Making sure all the beats are in place & fortifying weak sections of the story.

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Meh. Some mornings are just more productive than others. Got a late start & it’s really cold this morning, 🥶🥶🥶 Will need to find a pocket of better & time later in the day.

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Keeping that momentum rolling from the weekend. Taking a closer look at fully realizing the hero and analyzing the plot structure of this YA.

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Good morning, Polishing up a draft to workshop on the Cape this upcoming weekend. Working on pacing & characters. New beginning & new ending. Also bringing some YA chapters.

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Finished my draft for the month. Through the process of creating it, I’ve revised it a couple times. Time to let it sit & simmer for a bit. Back to for the rest of the month. Productive day!

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I don’t do it often, but “sleeping in” is a wonderful thing, and with you can “sleep in” and it’s still only 8:00AM. 😂😂😂 Let’s do this Saturday thing! There will be coffee, and some

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Show us some renewals with this week's theme for April 18, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

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It’s magical when story ideas appear out of thin air. I was concerned that I didn’t have an idea for this month’s draft, but—BOOM—it came to me yesterday as I was driving from program.

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Coffee, check. Laptop, check. Back to the routine! March is a busy month. In like a lion, and probably out like a lion. Many deadlines! Let’s do this! *insert roar here*

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Let's celebrate some fireworks with this week's theme for February 21, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

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Grumble, grumble, grumble... over sleeping. Grumble, grumble, grumble... late for Grumble, grumble, grumble... coffee. It’s time to shine!

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This week it’s all about FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS... and Checking in for Working on this fantasy. Adjusted goal = querying by May! Let’s do this!

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Cue the choir—It is Friday, Hallelujah! Late again for I’m fighting off a cold. I WILL NOT FALL! I’m ready for some weekend and 😊

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