Here's your theme for April 16, 2020. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

10 11

- Hello
- Spicy
- Together
- Charm
[humor] - see

[show don’t tell] - Nostalgia
- One
- Art
- Telegraph

23 38

Double rainbows and three wolf moons,
2010 memes were quite the boon.

1 1

Here's your theme for February 20, 2020. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

9 10

She could now clearly see the lone tattoo between his shoulder blades. It was a compass rose.

1 4

Special ones, good ones, bad ones...tell us about your characters' days with this week's theme for September 19, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

8 10

Full of style & class
She waits for the quivers to pass

2 10

Show us what your characters are going through with this week's theme for August 22, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

7 10

On your mark, get set... Tell us where and how your characters go with this week's theme for May 30, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

7 10

Show us some renewals with this week's theme for April 18, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

10 13

He plays innocent, but I know he took my lunch. I'd left it beside a large jar of milk and the scary red container that had been there for 3 weeks. Luckily, I thought to put mayo, ketchup and a little peanut butter on the sandwich.

3 35

Let's celebrate some fireworks with this week's theme for February 21, 2019. Share a line from your in 140 characters or less.

10 14

Show us a glimpse of your characters' futures with this week's theme for January 31, 2019. Share a line in 140 characters or less.

9 15

"He's not breathing," Lily was on the edge of panic, "is that normal for people like him?"

"He's not waking up either. Breathe, Kris, Breathe!" Kyle shook him, "wake up god damn you!"

1 2