Weird sisters; ministers of darkness; minions of the moon James Gillray, 1791; "A burlesque of Fuseli's well-known picture illustrating 'Macbeth', i. 3. The three witches are Dundas, Pitt, and Thurlow, in profile to the right instead of to the left.

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Henry Fuseli ”The Three Witches” , 1783 and “Lady Macbeth Seizing the Daggers” , 1812

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Good choice! That's not our only picture depicting Macbeth and the Witches either, here is another by Henry Fuseli 🎃👻

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wanda for sarangerel and anne of cleves&lady macbeth for morgana

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Table Mountain Ghost Frog

Continuing Halloween themed week. This is a 2 for 1...eye of newt, toe of frog and ghost in its name. I'm thinking this frog is from Macbeth.

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If Mr. Macbeth wants to find a job, that's okay, but never let him be the boss, he will transfer all your money to the underworld.

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Macbeth before the Battle of Dunsinane

Powerful and iconic swirling image of Macbeth before the Battle of Dunsinane,

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"Light thickens, and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood..."

Findlay Macbeth (and my other Shakespearean graphic novels) are available in Kindle for just £1.99? (Or paperback, if you want the real thing)

Check out the first 20 pages for free.

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シェイクスピアの悲劇マクベスのナゴヤ座版!ナゴヤカブキ「MACBETH -魔苦減須-」

昼/13:30 start(残席2)
夜/18:30 start(残席3)


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"Out out brief candle..."

... and remember, Findlay Macbeth (and my other Shakespearean graphic novels) are available in Kindle for just £1.99 (Or paperback, if you want the real thing)

Check out the first 20 pages for free.

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10. In the also called the Grey Sisters and the were 3 telling who shared 1 eye and 1 tooth. Their names were Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo. They were the basis for the wierd sisters in

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“For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.” Macbeth, Act 4, Sc 1.

Img: The Three Witches from Macbeth, by Daniel Gardner, 1775.
L to R: Elizabeth Lamb, Viscountess Melbourne, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, & Anne Seymour Damer.

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First picture vs. Most recent picture
Amber Macbeth edition:

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So many choices, guess I'm most familiar with either Penny or Ruby.

Here's Amber "Cryptoplasm" Macbeth; a chill, shapeshifting grump. Scientist by day, superhero by night, Scottish all the time. Couldn't be bothered to wear anything other than pajamas, even during hero work.

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Updated design of my OC and protagonist for a game I'm working on; Amber "Cryptoplasm" Macbeth.

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