Here are some of my works, thanks for the thread! I hope people will abide by your rules ha ha 🤣

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First, there was a movie about Vipers, then anaconda’s, and coming soon™ Serpent Bots! The Greenage abides in the tides!

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LOL,R U kidding me?With the connivance of the United States, Israel has never abided by international law.

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First, there was a movie about Vipers, then anaconda’s, and coming soon™ Serpent Bots! The Greenage abides in the tides!

0 1

First, there was a movie about Vipers, then anaconda’s, and coming soon™ Serpent Bots! The Greenage abides in the tides!

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Hod, Emanation of Submission
By Hod, we abide. By Hod we submit, knowing that any obstacle we face will flow over us like water.

309 1940

16:40, Txikierdiko (#Usurbil) errepidean, 2 norabidetan 2 kotxe (1 ni). 2 kotxeak parean gaudenean Donostiako Klasikako () motorzale 1 aurreratzen hasten da. Motorra 2 kotxeen tartetik pasa da oso aldamenetik abiadan! Ze presa, ze abiadura, ze txotxolo/a? Eredugarria.

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Katsuki doesnt like sharing but how can say anything when its all part of a dirty game nd the guy hes competing against is his lng childhood crush ex.
-practicing on them boobies and giving my sweet boy Zuku a hard time, dont worry he like the attention-

8 138

LARRUN | Informazio burujabetza: Hedabideen kudeaketa-eredu neoliberalaren aurkako prozesua

Nork mugitzen du iristen zaigun informazioaren parte handiena? Zer rol bete dezake kazetaritza independenteak?


2 2

ERREPORTAJEA | Informazio burujabetza: Hedabideen kudeaketa-eredu neoliberalaren aurkako prozesua

Nork mugitzen du iristen zaigun informazioaren parte handiena? Zer rol jokatzen dute hedabide hegemonikoek? Zer rol bete dezake kazetaritza independenteak?

15 14

A mythic creature of the land
A vision of ancient power
One look in his feral eyes
You were his to devour
Sage wisdom I failed to heed
He bade me come to his side
I gave him my body and my soul
In his world I must now abide

3 9

my noodle style is just an excuse to not abide to leg/arm/body proportions. here are some recent commissions/gifts i did!!

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Nezhno Abidemi Aka Gentle as Golurk.

It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient people who made them.

1 10

The airborne mammal by the name of Titus Vander-Scamper does not abide cheating at games of chance.

16 143

Diseño de personaje para rol de D&D, es un ícono comisionado por thedudabidesman en tumblr

6 64

They looked at their opposites and could not abide the difference. They rose up, they took action. And thus began The Celestial War.

0 7

They looked at their opposites and could not abide the difference. They rose up, they took action. And thus began The Celestial War.

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