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The philosophy of this episode is certainly interesting.
Bien, después del hilo serio, abriré los hilos con los comentarios más notables del editor del tomo de Bargat. Los iré poniendo mientras los leo y veo cuánto me demoraré en esto. En general parece que este tomo será más fácil de corregir que el 2.
Cute Kovo. The great philosopher Kovo!☺️
I was inspired by the @0025Muffin photo
#snowleopard, #ユキヒョウ, #Kovo, #tamazoo, #コボ
homestar runner halloween fan costumes i made based on the movie bad times at the el royale . following my philosophy of "if my interests dont merge somehow then I'll Make Them"
these were fun to make ^__^ i tried my best to imitate the hsr style and i succeeded maaaaaybe???
Diogenes Comics 3 full... it's a very long post but i promise you that it's a worthwhile read hope you enjoy it XD
#diogenes #hilarious #comic #comics #WEBTOON #WEBTOONFanArt #webtoons #Philosophy #philosophymemes
Diogenes Comics 3 part 3... that time when Alexander wanted to be Diogenes if he can be XD
#diogenes #FunniestTweets #comics #comic #WEBTOON #webtoons #WEBTOONFanArt #Philosophy #sliceoflife
Diogenes Comics 3 part 2... i didn't actually happen like this but i got a little creative hehe
#comics #comicsforeveryone #Diogenes #hilarious #WEBTOON #webtoons #WEBTOONFanArt #FunniestTweets #Philosophy
🦎 Prosperi Alpini Marosticensis, philosophi, medici, in celeberrimo Lyceo Patavino pharmaciae professoris ordinarii, hortique medici praefecti, Historiæ Ægypti naturalis
Lugduni Batavorum: Apud Gerardum Potuliet, MDCCXXXV [1735]
3-year post-doc position in our lab (@ChariteBerlin) to work on #connectomic #deepbrainstimulation research using @leaddbs. Please RT for reach, thank you! 🙏
See our philosophy / labmanual here: https://t.co/ARNqnCIl5o
The Life and Philosophy of Michel Foucault -
"#Mutra, le Dieu du Muscle, de la confiance en soi et de la Philosophie..."
J'ai bien aimé le faire celui-là :) tellement de muuuuuscle x)
@RoiLennon #FDCN
"como de verdad podría ser"
vendiendo papas chilosas
#Egirl #PapasChilosas
puedes apoyarme en patreon
Aldous Leonard Huxley #BOTD 1894
Eyeless in Gaza
The Doors of Perception
The Perennial Philosophy
Point Counter Point
#Writer #pacifist #psychedelic #DRUGS #LSD #mescaline #Soma #scientific #Totalitarianism #adiction #medication
My players: Has a deep philosophical talk about the nature of fate and destiny and the influence it has on death.
Also my players...
Mi personaje se llama Faeryl von Vinni (apodada off rol "la Vinitos"), y es una drow nigromante.
El primer dibujo es de @IndiraptorArt, y las otras imágenes son de un sim que creé.
En las respuestas pondré links a otros hilos comentando su historia y demás movidas 💕
My quick illustration of Gary (Inmendham) got done. This was definitely a challenge because I rarely draw in a more realistical style. Thank you Gary for what you do. #antinatalism #efilism #inmendham #fanart #youtuber #philosophy #donotgod
Say hi to Everett!
They're an important character in the story, and play a huge role on helping Cameron. They are a philosopher, so they ask many questions and learning new knowledge. They are also very observant and catch the smallest details of their surroundings.