Primerito dia del mi gente. La palabra anillo tiene sentido en mi cabeza oke? <3

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Día 1 - RING - ANILLO - Primer día de Inktober!! Las ilustraciones estarán disponibles para tattoo, para mas info escríbeme al 646795407, la primera persona en escribirme tendrá descuento!

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Yeah, I'm not very creative

And never really used ink brushes before, so I guess I'm still getting used to them

I like this style though

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J ai tellement galéré à tenir le rythme l année dernière . Du coup je remet ça encore une fois. Mais j'suis vraiment pas sur de tenir le rythme. Thread à temporalité relative en approche. day 01 / . Merci et .

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Last year, i decided to do the prompts with animals for the inktober, this time it will be with pokemon !
day 1 : Ring with Hoopa

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Arghhh, rushing for my personal digital art. Here you go for 1hour traditional art for today.

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Happy friends!!!! I started with the official prompt list but ended up changing a few days in. So from the official list, here is day one It’s difficult getting used to traditional media again, so im afaid the first few illustrations will be a little awkward 😅

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I'm doing for the first time - however, I don't care about ink, I just want to draw every day for a month. x)
Here's my !

Software : Paint Tool SAI 2

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Inktober - day 1

Some friends were drawing their characters in maid outfits and ngl I wanted in on that. Hence why day 1 is a maid cat lady. Also I drew some of my characters in maid outfits..... Because
Don't question it

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Day 1 Ring

Lost in the woods, a boy became the woods itself.

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One more before bed. A friend of mine has this exceptional ring from Macabre Gadgets and while he was over it seemed serendipitous to capture it for the challenge today. DAY 01.

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Kicking off my Horror themed Inktober series with two illustrations!?
Sadako from Ringu and Samara from the Ring. Don't expect a double bill every day!

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I'm joining in with this year. I'm planning to use brush pen, fine liners and a bit of digital colour - is that against the rules? 👀

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

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Heres my attempt at inktober day 1, i wanted to do some sort of experimental ring master character!

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