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Bust render for of their OC Amrúndil!! 🙏✨I have a soft spot for curly haired characters 😭💖

84 839

Art! Bbang Zayne curly hair😋
Hikmah maen LnD :
Jadi bisa gmbar idung👁️👃👁️

2 47

A surprisingly pure comic while they are both butt ass naked.
He's just curious about your interests Curly

759 6379

jjkhalu! misal jadi pacarnya suguru pasti dia nurut aja kalo kita sering catok curly rambut dia hehehe

11 116

Twin-tail curly hair

23 182

curly from repost :>

99 345

May every curly girl grow up loving their hair 🎀

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'Aight wanted to see what the braid could look like unbraided featuring unstyled octo curls and undone squib ponytails. Tho i didn't make it as curly as i wanted considering how long those things stay braided but I'll live.

96 717

Hair holds memories.

I was commissioned by @//curlystar09 to draw this scene from her thread!

227 2735

(Not ShipArt)
I thought Toru might comfort Haruma during sleepless nights. I made Haruma’s hair really curly in the beginning, not sure why, I blindly believed that his hair was curly and… it was not. I’m sorry for that, it’s a 4am doodle in the end.

8 26

i believe in curly hair kel supremacy 👆👆#OMORI https://t.co/PqePMivxvY

38 346

Again I don't know what to do with the backgrounds, just noise and shadows

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📣Calling all Young Art Explorers! We need your help to name our cartoon blackbuck who appears on our new family labels in the Hunterian Art Gallery . We’ve narrowed it down to three choices: Stubbs, Buckie or Curly. Share your choice

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Eris 🍎😈✨ from one of my favorite TOP 5 🏺
Creator, keep it up always please! 👏💕👍 PS. I don’t know why I did her with curly hair, just felt like it and looks good on her 😁

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Why is he so fruity but anyways this is still a wip but I dont plan to finish it😇I finally get the hype drawing wukong with those curly cloud patterned fur I LOVE IT

112 819

bro i forgot what brush to draw his curly hair so i just give up

2 15

the colors were too bright omg as expected from a barbie picrew🤭

also it's curly hair friendly🥺💕

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