to nearly 2 years with our resident forgetful elf-dandy Foghorn Jeffhorn, one who likes his families like he likes his drinking fountains: separated.

5 20

Day 649: Happy Halloween Part 2, more creepshows.

18 47

Day 638: Thanks for some rare good news this week. The Super Bowl halftime show needs you way more than you need it and 🙌🙌 for turning them down.

20 46

to this Stable Genius and his “natural instinct for science”.

14 40

Day 633: Updated Bankruptcy Bigot’s new White House painting for accuracy.

41 75

Day 631: Sounds like someone is still looking to lock down the Kanye vote.

24 56

Interesting detail on Myrrh that I'm unsure is intentional:
Amagaitaro makes her eye color on her special artwork correspond to her color type

12 63

Actual footage from one of Trump’s fragile-ego-repair KKKult rallies.

27 67

The only thing Trumpflakes loathe more than grammar, brown people, and making a cogent point is a mirror to remind them that the rest of the world sees them for what they really are.

30 70

HBD to our very own taxpayer-funded professional liar. Hope the next 36 years are spent atoning for your belligerence against transparency and overall corruptive complicity.

22 54

Actual photo of Devin Nunes at a fundraiser where he was secretly recorded admitting that spineless servility for the president comes before his constitutional obligation.

40 114

Day 558.1: Fancy book-learning is for coastal elite livin’ zeppelin merchants.

32 71

Day 547: In which a stable genius prefers his questions in the vein of a Highlights Magazine word jumble.

35 64

Kumagai sketch for Wyrmbloods at DA! (reference used for pose)

4 8

Day 539: In which it’s a good thing for this man-sized sack of sun-bleached kangaroo meat that his supporters are basically the Eric Trumps of deductive reasoning.

34 64

Cuando se está tan lejos de casa, uno se da cuenta cómo está de ausente las cosas queridas. Cómo escasean aquellas personas que te brindan la mano. Por eso, sería poco una ilustración, para decir gracias. Título: "la magaita"

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