Mujer con Maxtahual o tocado nahua de Cuetzalan, México. Una de mis obras en las que he experimentado con la mágica técnica de la Acuarela. Pieza disponible.

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is closer and closer. I refreshed the website: Please sign in to our mailing list if you want to receive the latest news regarding

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Ma Cualli Tonalli! (have a good day in Nahuatl) Today is and I want to introduce you to the beautiful Nahua culture of Mexico. Learning it has empowered me as a Latinx, and I know its intimidating to learn!... So here's a fun and simple thread to start🙌🏽1/16

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donkey, dog. As a Nahual, Vicente felt comfortable in taking many different forms to reach his nefarious ends. It was always reverting back to his human form what troubled him most.

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“El Circo Anahuac” blends the present with the fantastic,
the real with the imagined, the historic with the mythical.

October 6, 7, 13, and 14, 2018

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In Mesoamerican folk, a Nahual is a human being who has the power to transform either spiritually or physically into an animal form. Such a nahual is believed to use their powers for good or evil according to their personality

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The Teteo gather at Teotihuacan and ask Tecciztecatl and Nanahuatzin to sacrifice themselves in the God Oven, and so become the sun and moon.

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Xochiquetzal and Tonacacihuatl, the divinities of love and abundance, dress Nanahuattzin in his humble clothing of maguey fiber, preparing him so that he can sacrifice himself and become the sun. They paint him with white stripes, which are symbols of sacrifice.

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Nanahuatzin haciendo autosacrificios, preparándose para convertirse en el sol. Aquí, lleva como pintura facial un disco amarillo en una caja negra, simbolizando el sol que aún no a nacido.

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Sabías que la palabra Ajolote viene del nahuatl atl(a) que significa agua y de xolotl que significa monstruo, creatura? Recordemos que esta última palabra hace referencia al hermano gemelo de quetzalcoatl, Xolotl. Estos animalitos están en peligro de extinción.

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Tenochtitlan's military commanders, Huiznahuatl (Thorn Words), Tlacochcalcatl (House of Darts), Tlacatecatl (Cutter of Men).
From the Codex Mendoza to this series.

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Encuesta sobre nahuatlismos!!
y tú, ¿Cómo les dices a los niños?
si chamaco (del náhuatl chamahua engrosar, chamahuac grueso)
si escuincle (del náhuatl, significa perro)
si Chilpayate (del náhuatl, significa niño *Santamaría)

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Nanahuatzin fasts and offers his own blood in sacrifice, as he prepares to become the sun.

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The (Mexican culture) is a kind of witch or supernatural being that has the ability to take animal form.

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Para celebrar el estreno de la cuarta parte de "la leyenda" aquí 💪🏻💪🏻#animaestudios

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