My love for spriting has been rekindled💪☺️

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Been playing Darksiders (for the fourth time?) and Darksiders Genesis with my fiance, and....

Hello my new/rekindled crushes 😍

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cover art for the fanfiction, "Rekindled Embers" by applezombi

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Accidentally rewatched with the fam and my love for these two rekindled!

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rekindled my love for tuxpaint again

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My childhood love of hamsters has been rekindled

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the silent hill chapter in dbd rekindled my love for the series as a whole, can't believe it's been nearly a decade since i first fell in love with sh
lisa is best girl

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Hi, been rewatching and accidentally rekindled my love for Finral, oops.

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Facemask Profiteering

They've started making facemasks
to go with people's clothes
will they make one for
the funeral parlour
with death stenciled
on the nose

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On the plus side though my love for A3! has been rekindled 🥰

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spirit blossom kindled

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Maybe my OC and TTRPG Character Mary, Goddess of rekindled Love * - *)?

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Radagast/Radgost/Ardagast/Svarozhich, a Slavic God representing the ancestral sum, though the eternal fire continuously rekindled (reincarnated) in the kin. Noted also as a war deity, he was the fire burning in the homes, temples and cremation ceremonies, but also in the hearts.

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More from the forthcoming Rekindled by Dana Sanguir (); from . Again, though delayed the project, please follow, support & check out Dana's well-researched & oustanding creative work

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you, if you even recall: doesn't delilah already have a girl from her past that she rekindled a strained relationship w-
me, smart: it's been a love triangle this whole time

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Fanart of Lucifer from who is played by
My rewatch of Supernatural rekindled my love for Lucifer 😈
This was also practice for lighting so I hope it came out!

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Hello, everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts and my eerie silence. stuff got in the way. Will be posting more soon. Rekindled my love for Yugioh as well. XD

Anyway and I finished your raffle pieces!

I hope all of you have a great day!

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I haven’t finished it—but I started playing Dies irae: Also Sprach Zarathustra last year, but I never got the chance to finish it because of having to move. In between my projects, I will probably pick it up again, due to my passion for Tōken Ranbu being rekindled. (⅓)

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I started binging again and realized I'm 99% sure it was Prince Zuko that kindled my love for antagonists 🔥❤🔥

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