Hoy fue la presentación de de y y un servidor tuvo el honor de poder dinamizar un poco la charla de la que es su segunda obra y una magnífica historia costumbrista en el Japón de la era Edo

4 12

Aerial species for comic

1. Pamagoose Chick ( these birds never grow up in size )
2. Armor-Bellied Malady ( legend says seeing one means there's going to be an awful disease soon )
3. Cupid Mizard ( basically air Kagura )
4: Pendactulus ( they can mind-control prey and enemies )

7 20

Me: I hate my AU of StS characters as animals, such a stupid idea... 😒
Also me: Let's draw Syd and Bud as smilodons!! 🐯🐯😂

12 27

-Si usa eso no podrá ver nada.
Yo: Esa es la intención. Mizaru o algo así.

3 42

MIZARIさん、ゆきめちゃんはずーーーっと鵺野先生とラブラブしてほしいですね^^ その後を知るのが怖くて続編の地獄先生ぬ~べ~NEOを読む勇気が出せませぬ…!

4 13

We're in the final 24 hours of the !
We've got 7 Early Bird+ left, so now's the perfect time to pledge! https://t.co/cph1mdxTHT
Feat. artwork by

16 31

Hey, you! Yes you! Who is your favourite Barian emperor? My favourite is Vector (and he is my favourite character from ZEXAL too). And who is yours? :)

5 25

We've hit first stretch goal! A big thanks for all of the support!
Feat. adorable artwork by

15 46