A goliath grouper(Epinephelus itajara) creeping up on a Fl stone crab(Menippe mercenaria) while a cigar minnow(Decapterus mecarellus) lurks.
Crabs make up the majority of ggs diet & cigar minnows hang around them for scraps & to eat their eggs when they spawn.

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For this week of "fish and what they eat", I wanted to talk about pumpkinseed. Thanks to its pharyngeal jaw, this is one of the only centrarchid that can crush and eat snails and mollusks. It can even remove spiny waterflea spine b4 eating them!

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“Fish and what they eat” is the theme for this week. Went more local this time with a smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) vacuuming up a mayfly nymph (Order: Ephemeroptera)

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The theme of fishes from our native country.

I've chosen the Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) from my home, the SF Bay Area. These fish are critically endangered. To represent my parent's home, the Hong Kong Paradise Fish (Macropodus hongkongensis).

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International fishes to highlight international students is this week’s theme. It was my privilege to work with a student from Brazil during this shortened school year. This ones for you Nic! Piraya (Black-tailed piranha)

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A Rainbow Trout for this weeks It is actually non-native fish to the waters of Michigan, yet is stocked and sought after by anglers like me.

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There’s a local theme to the this week. So my contribution from the UK is the Lesser Spotted Dogfish. I had lots of fun with these guys when I used to work in an aquarium.

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participants had some wonderful work on Sunday.
If you're as much a fan as they are
you may also enjoy checking out 's

Cardiac Performance of Free-Swimming Wild Sockeye during the Reproductive Period


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My fish-themed fireworks packaging featuring an Asian Arowana and a Tiger Shovelnose Catfish for based on this vintage label.

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One of the many for I chose the Irian red rainbowfish. I haven't drawn any pride month art myself (until now), and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to finally get a piece out there.

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The threadfin rainbowfish (Iriatherina werneri) from tropical northern Australia and New Guinea scoffs at the idea that freshwater fishes are drab 🌈

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A school of Boeseman’s rainbow fish for this weeks theme rainbow fish ( family Melanotaenia). Trying to get some skills with digital art.

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Here is toKnight's reconstruction of Knightia eocaena from fossils preserved in Wyoming's Green River Formation

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“well this is the last ducking thing I needed today” -the fish, probably. featuring a brown trout fry and guest-starring an American Pekin duck

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Here's my tongue-in-cheek pun for A genus fusion between Tyrannosaurus and Tyrannophryne. Tyrant lizard meets tyrant seadevil!

I was very eager to share this. I wanted to post it on Saturday... (It's 12:16 right now, so technically it's now Sunday! Woo!)

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My is the common Had a few as a kid, and still love today! Would love a pond full of these (And what the heck, she's now a sticker in my menagerie at https://t.co/RrUGWQe9sA )

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asked us to draw our time for me to thank plecos in general

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For this week's I digitally painted a red serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques). I've always enjoyed having these in aquaria.

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For this week I've drawn my
The remarkable A 7ft long fish that breathes air, can jump clean out of the water and is reputed to eat monkeys.
What a creature!

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This week's theme was 'fishy self portrait'. I chose Corydoras panda: Needs lots of close friends to be happy, small and chubby, armored defense on the outside to cover up a soft body, doesn't want to bother anyone and can live peacefully with many other fish.

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