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By focusing attention, observation, and extensive thought on astronomical phenomena, one is able to prove the unicity of God and to recognize the extent of the Creator’s might as well as His wide wisdom and delicate design.
—Al-Battani (850-929), illustrious Muslim astronomer.
After 16 years of trailblazing infrared observations, the Spitzer Space Telescope is due to retire this month:
"I'm Lynx Hideki, Rookie To MVOS, Multiverse Observation Squad, Pleasure to meet you."
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Explore a range of approaches to develop your accuracy and creative potential in observational drawing. Building on your previous experience, learn to manipulate composition, surface and mark to create dynamic, expressive drawings.
@citylit @CityLitArts
Demeter’s Daughters: Women of the Thesmophoria
In the indigo light of the early morning, wearing white robes and carrying torches, the pious women ascended the hill to the Thesmophorion (sanctuary to Demeter) in observance...
New laser method provides ultra-fast observations of electrons https://t.co/sanTpDq1IQ #XLEAP #science #physics
Botanical artist Karen Kluglein will be teaching "Painting Spring Flowers" at The Sag Harbor Inn on Long Island, NY on April 17 through 19, 2020. Emphasis will be on color accuracy, observational skills, composition, and watercolor techniques. #sciart
A (LITERALLY) TIMELY QUESTION: When is the official start of the new decade?
Leading figures in timekeeping, such as US Naval Observatory and Farmer's Almanac, maintained 2021 as the star. Other groups follow 2020. While both can be correct, what's the start for you?
This astronomical sky spanning view is a mosaic from the Pan-STARRS observatory. The images were recorded with its 1.8 meter telescope at the summit of Haleakala on planet Earth's island of Maui https://t.co/fJQ0TsSGdG
#DeepSky. Wonderful Orion #nebulae in winter skies: M42, horsehead and M78 with the small McNeil nebula.
Image: #Anysllum #Observatory @AstroSabadell
@usamiichii Oh ok! I should have been more observant haha, I was too focused on repping a certain girl I’m cosplaying next year haha
Les presento Elise la mariposa hermafrosita🌼🦋
El término ginandromorfo procede de la palabra "gyne" (hembra) y "andro" (macho) y se usa principalmente en entomología. Estas características se pueden observar en algunos ejemplares de mariposas con caracteres de ambos sexos
@NASA About the size of a small school bus🚌, the Terra satellite carries five instruments that take simultaneous measurements of atmosphere, ocean, land, snow and ice, and energy budget. Together, these 🛰️observations provide unique insight into how the Earth system is changing.
Just an observation: Sora is laid to rest (for lack of a better phrase) on the exact spot where Riku unlocks his heart (Sora's ring finger...). Now on its own this wouldn't seem unusual since that spot is more or less the center of the heart station-
I’ve been drawing from Observation for the last 11 weeks. This gives a foundation to begin drawing from imagination, which I will be reflecting on over the Christmas break!
a recent drawing from a knit and natter group in the @millenniumlibrary
#drawingfromlife #library #aru
Descubren nuevas especies de dinosaurios en un yacimiento de Santa Cruz (@ncytnotesp) Al sudoeste de la provincia de
#SantaCruz (#Argentina), más precisamente en una montaña desde la que se puede observar el glaciar Perito Moreno: Nullotitan y Isasicursor. https://t.co/urUVwi1M8P