As a school based manga, we are introduced to the entire class and exposed to each of their stories and antics. Each character is very fleshed out and likeable making each arc enjoyable no matter who the focus character is. It’s hard to pick a or

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então gente, eu e alguns amigos criamos um serv no discord de Utapri br então se vc curte pfv entra lá, fiz uns desenhos rapidinho dos meus bestboys pra chamar mais atenção mas venho humildemente pedir um rt pra alcançar mais gente q queira entrar no serv

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💥Happy Birthday to the best Brat around.
I’m never drawing fan art again, Bakuhoe is the only exception lmao

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NUMU AND WILLUMP ,they're best boys

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Happy Painted my pupper, Banjo, because he is such a Good Boy™.

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yo who here likes pirate naruto from person 5
aka the bestest boy that has ever graced my ps4

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Today's the day Minato BestBoy Arisato becomes a door and honestly I've never been so emotional my entire life

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So finally, FINALLY I've finished the series of My Hero Academia urban hoodie chibis! Thank you everyone for your opinions back when I asked :__D Here's Deku~~

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