Our penultimate post for Starbuck week: four choice pieces of gorgeous artwork by [respectively] Adriano Batista, Collin Daugherty, José Robledo and Otis Frampton

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Retrieving the fabled Arrow of Apollo from Caprica played an integral part in not only the Fleet's journey, but in Kara Thrace's own journey of self discovery

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Welcome to all the new Nuggets who Followed us recently - be sure to have a browse thru what the Colonial Archives have uploaded to date - Starbuck week starts Monday!

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Close-up of The First Cylon War painting by Monclair [Ken Rabehl] and in situ in Adama's quarters. A painter of considerable renown given Baltar's reaction to the piece

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Check out the Common Pipistrelle, from our back issue, These tiny emerge around 20 minutes after sunset. Imagine you could follow one home – they live in colonies of 1,000 or more! What a spooky sight!


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||| United Colonies
|| Common Enemies
| Mysterious City


the legend kickstarts this week

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Julia silver destined to be queen of the planet and all galactic colonies!

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Gaius Baltart...

Follow - preserving the rich history of the 12 Colonies

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Concept: Insect Colonies Pack

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"The Derelict Colonies" via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes https://t.co/dpinqECPHe

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Here she is confronted with the reality of life in the colonies, and it’s nothing like what she’s been told https://t.co/43aFWbUgyF

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England and its colonies in the past

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Haven’t got on a plane for decades just pop to the coast for our holidays to visit our seabird colonies and paint these beauties.

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Armour and turrets models coming closer to being implemented in , more to come very soon

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Microbial art 🖼

Beautiful structures formed by colonies of billions of bacteria as they adapt to hostile environments. These structures illustrate the coping strategies that bacteria have learned to employ, like cooperation through communication.

Credit Eshel Ben-Jacob

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Far world colonies - Oceano City
J.Otto Szatmari
Senior Concept Artist - Digic Pictures

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Oh yeah forgot this one. The Crystalice are a variety of earth golem that inhabit caves in colonies of immobile but hostile crystalline idols.

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A quick 30 minute spit paint I did during ‘s final lecture. (Sea-sponge colonies in the Puget Sound) science always makes me art.

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Former French colonies have to deposit 50% of their foreign exchange reserves at the Bank of France.

They can only access 15% of the money in any given year. If they need more than that, they have to borrow their own money from France at a fee.

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