Hehehe this thing is a perfect cover for the fact that I don't have new art I can show, and no one will be none the wiser.
Unless they read this tweet of course, but who's gonna do that?

18 180

so i'm another year older today but i don't think i got any wiser 🎉🎂

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You can't discuss with logic and reason with people who don't think with logic and reason. It's a waste of time. Find something wiser to focus your time on.

0 1

sinatraa can't post it, but I can
slightly older, not at all wiser

0 8

I know it's hard to be us; I know how hard was, is and will be to keep us together, I know that we've made a lot of mistakes, and I know that sometimes we forget who we are...
but somehow, I know we won't give up, I know that today we're even closer, stronger and wiser...

0 3

Happy Japan-now-knows-the-plot-to-the-movie-and-we-Occidental-suckers-will-be-none-the-wiser day!!

50 131

amis !!! again!!!! but older and still none the wiser

2 11

There was no coming of age
Just a loss of innocence
I'm becoming no wiser with age
Just aware of my ignorance

If I were to die
Before my dreams do
In my sleep
Would they continue


5 4

Ghost was curled up asleep beside the door, but he lifted his head at the sound of Jon’s boots. The direwolf’s red eyes were darker than garnets and wiser than men. Jon knelt, scratched his ear, and showed him the pommel of the sword. “Look. It’s you.”

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No big deal, it's just the BIG 3️⃣ 0️⃣ 🎂🎂🎂🍾🎈 Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our Head of Ops, Katie Terres! 💖

0 1

"I want to make wiser choices in love."

Learning to Love: One-Day Festival led by Alain de Botton. Saturday 16th March. Find out more: https://t.co/sUDNY4h3Pe

2 12

Needing some ideas to keep the kids busy this Don’t miss reading from her wickedly funny picture book, Bad Nana: Older Not Wiser at Imagine Children’s Festival!

Book your tickets here https://t.co/bX8MnVfNvl

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Who is wiser, Spock or Yoda? An actual scientific study weighs in


3 8

I've come up with a simple hack that will help you animate squid legs! Simply draw every frame of the animation and fool people into thinking there is a trick! No one will be the wiser! Honestly, if there was an easy way to tween this leg I probably would have done it. Oh well!

0 7

All of the other reindeer wouldn't let me join in any reindeer games because I'm a kangaroo... Jokes on them... I'll just slip on these antlers and they'll be none the wiser!... Little will they know a kangaroo will pull Santa's sleigh!!! MUAHAHA

(Art by the amazing )

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I can't remember if I ever showed off this concept drawing of an older, wiser Ray, but it's one of my favorites,

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