画質 高画質

In a twist on what are some of your favorite fusible personas?

Yomotsu-Shikome, Queen Mab, and Thor were personas that I kept with me for a long time in my P3 and P4 playthroughs. Belphegor is just one of the many big dumb demons that gives this series character!

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what is this... so cute😭💕💕💕. i cant wait 15 days to see yoshiko’s !!!!!!!

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I've realized I never gave these two designs for when they're adults
I also changed Sam's hair to be more fluffier
And sadly Shiori was the one who's name I changed I've debated on changing it for long time and finally decided to change it her name is Hoshiko now

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Senpai wa Joshi Kousei by Arai Niboshiko

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Full three windows!🌌🌄🏞
Ethari, Kieran and Yoshiko are representing different cultures in front of their hometowns

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Have a good time w/ur waifus in Twitter-less realm. I wish u the best & as I'm old enough that I could be Yoshiko's dad (I consider her as a niece/fosterdaughter ...well, fraternal love)I ask u 2 PROTECC her (😤 or Mugi...). I leave her in ur hands my son-in-law! Huggus!

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Hoshiko hugging my tail! Art by

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こんばんは。家での晩酌が何よりの楽しみ、こすもすです。私のお気に入りは、美味しい冷凍食品が揃うpicard(ピカール)でおつまみをgetすること! 残業で遅くなった日でもチンするだけで本格フランス料理が楽しめるんです。激推しの、picardで買えるおつまみをご紹介します!

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Ahora el episodio fue principalmente para Rin, incluso tuvimos a Ena y referencias a Nedeshiko, ¿qué más se podía pedir? No faltó nada.

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Aw, Hoshikoooo!~
I'll share, don't be mad! You're just too cute not to tease!

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踏切に佇む人・・今まで多くの絵を制作してきましたが、皆野駅もいつか描くと思います。A person standing in front of a railroad crossing.  

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