Our focus is our future, and what we focus on will multiply in our life.
Have a great Saturday fam, gm 😊

9 26

Divine Liquid Key with Legendary Legend journey so far~ Legend enters the gate way, finds an alien environment, encountered a night crawler and gained a Divine Armor 🔥 killing it!

6 20

" The most ironic outcome would be that dogecoin becomes the currency of earth in the future"Elon Musk



3 5

Tbh though there's alot of things happening in life about to happen, and probably will happen or won't 🤷‍♂️The real question is who cares? Just don't forget to smile today legends 😊😁💎💯

9 39

for 💙#Cronos

1⃣Follow ME &
3⃣Tag 4 friends 🐊

🏆1x Crogemas


81 93

Hey!👋 gm. don't waste your time,don't stay still life's to short to be unhappy. Be a skilled captain in this storm of a life we live in💯😁👍LFG🔥💯 https://t.co/YgsXkxWdfR

11 28

Omg breaking news ⚠️ sound on!

20 65

is going to the mooooooonn! Next year will be awesome!

1 15

Im your Wife from the Future...
U own me a lot Puppies/Doge Support.... u said go back and ask me when it was cheaper... so here I am...

2 10

Elon's New Mask
0.30 ETH

" The most ironic outcome would be that dogecoin becomes the currency of earth in the future"Elon Musk


1 1

What we all honestly want for Christmas 🥺

3 2

Getting emotional😭

2 years ago I couldn’t afford Christmas gifts for my kids

I was struggling in multiple ways as a single mom through Covid

Luckily someone on TikTok said to buy Dogecoin at .01 cent & I did❣️

Which lead me to Twitter & it changed our lives😭 (part 1 of 2)👇

6 35

A gateway appears, a legend walks through, an alien world is found! First blockchain NFT based RPG has started and refinements are incoming. Come get some 💪

10 21

Hey gm. I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are thats for you! Also check that tie dye mutation💙💯😁💪LFG!🔥💯

11 44

Our analysts spotted a happy Doge riding the charts home for the holidays, celebrating Dogecoin's market cap ($9.7B) overtake of one of the largest exchanges.

3 11

Hey! Gm. Dream as if you'll live forever! Live as if you'll die today!💯 happy Tuesday! I believe tacos are on most tables tonight! Yum! Lfg!🔥🚀

13 46

No one can dim your glow, if you own

11 34

for $3 at https://t.co/BOX8WgFz70 then DM your Account Number and if your luck you may get an extra surprise BoredAlienApes

18 30