Mnag is up 41% in comics shops from 2018 over 2017.

Superheros are down 10%.

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If you haven't already entered our giveaway yet for this beautiful sketch you have 10 hrs left to get in.

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heres my 3, florentine! she really likes superheros which does play into how she treats her role as an agent. the hijacking thing didnt rly scar her physically it just kinda made part of her hair green haha

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This Come Cool Out With The Greatest Adventures In Only ! Surround Yourselves With Positive Vibes Today & Everyday Down Here!

117 MAIN ST.

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As mentioned last night, here is your shot at winning this beautiful Thor sketch by Mitch Ballard from Marvel Premier. Just hit the link and get entered before entries close.

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Our friends over at took over our annual campaign this year, but I still have a massive giveaway up my sleeve for my listeners to close out the month. Look for entry details tomorrow, but here's a sneak peek at the prize.

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Start your Monday off with some from Have you finished watching yet? These great pieces were for various episodes throughout the series. All done by the amazing

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the idea of the runaways as "formal" superheros is quite interesting

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Villains are typically more resourceful in their costumes, most are homemade.
Making a costume for a villain is a PR nightmare for companies, so many villains actually attend secret conventions where costume upgrades and weapons are sold

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I like superheros lol

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i like superheros and all but imo theyre never realistic enough so i made this

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So Soul has made a new campaign to do with superheros so I reworked my Boko no hero version of Amadi to be played in his campaign. Still working on him but this is Some concept design for him <3

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is amazing. This is what real life would be if superheros existed and abuse there power

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