Trop tôt, trop avance, Richard Trevithick (1) finit sa vie dans la pauvreté et complètement méconnu.

En 1812, l'inventeur américain Oliver Evans (2) imagina un réseau de lignes à longue distance, desservi par des locomotives rapides pour relier les villes entre elles.

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The Colossus, 1812, Francisco Goya

Medium: oil,canvas
some of y’all be looking at this painting like 👀😅

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Russian🇷🇺General Nikolay died in 1829. He fought in the major battles of the 1812 campaign and gave his name to the Raevsky Redoubt on the Borodino battlefield.

Learn more by checking out our blog post at the link below. ⬇️

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Marshal Ney commanding the French rearguard at Kovno, on the Russian-Polish border, December 1812. Six months after the start of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, the remnants of his army were back where they’d started, having suffered an estimated 500,000 casualties.

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Born in 1772: Spanish painter (1772-1850)

Portrait of María Pilar de la Cerda y Marín de Resende (1777-1812), ca. 1795

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El general en jefe de los ejércitos rusos desde 1812, Mijáil Kutúzov, nació en 1745. Su controvertida decisión de abandonar Moscú a obtuvo el rédito esperado, consiguiendo que los franceses abandonaran Rusia.

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2️⃣7️⃣5️⃣лет назад родился великий русский полководец Михаил Кутузов🇷🇺
⚔️Генерал-фельдмаршал, первый полный Георгиевский кавалер и искусный дипломат.
⚔️Во время Отечественной войны 1812 года русские войска под руководством Кутузова изгнали армию Наполеона I, вторгшегося в Россию🇷🇺

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Born in 1780: German-born Austrian painter (1780-1856)

Portrait of Anna Katherina Magdalena Krafft, née Donné, 1812

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没(251・旧暦08月05日、武将)、#徳川家綱 誕生(1641・旧暦08月03日、将軍)、#由井正雪 謀反(1651・旧暦7月23日、#慶安の変)、#大日本惠登呂府 標識建立(1798・旧暦7月27日、#近藤重蔵、#最上徳内、#択捉島)、#ボロジノの戦い(1812、#ナポレオン戦争)、つづく

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Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg (1740-1812) :
- The Angel binding satan (c. 1797)

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'The Courage of General Raevsky' by Nikolay Samokish, depicting a scene from the Battle of Saltanovka, July 23rd, 1812

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キャラ:白雪 ひめ

著:ヴィルヘルム・グリム、 ヤーコプ・グリム



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Goya - What Does This Phantom Want? - ca.1812/14

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💫 natasha, pierre and the great comet of 1812

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➡️Une jeune fille, 1839
➡️William Hookham Carpenter
Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1793-1872), peintre anglaise. Epouse William Hookham Carpenter. Amie du peintre Richard Parkes Bonington. Mère des peintres William et Percy Carpenter.
1812, 1814: médailles de la Royal Society of Arts.

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Según esto, 1812 polígonos, 3.470 tris. Intenté meterle menos definición al cuerpo que a la cara para reducir los polígonos.

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