an old fav!!! Arche was the coolest 🥰💖

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phantasia is high on the list for me idk if the game is too dated but look at her!!!! check them PANTS!!

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Aphantasia 🌀

A few days ago I came to the realization that I cannot imagine.. it was very shocking. Knowing that people can actually see what they imagine in their mind’s eye blew me off and I still can’t believe it.

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Ever done Arche from Tales of Phantasia? I suppose style C since it looks like the example character also uses a broom, lol.

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LRT eu adorei que a data é literalmente o dia que Tales of Phantasia tinha sido lançado okay

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我々 の世界観や設定資料をまとめたWebサイトがもうすぐ公開されます!

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Everyday Today's Menu for Emiya Family sortira en mai sur Nintendo Switch au Japon, nouvelle bande-annonce, Sangatsu no Phantasia pour la chanson thème

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Everyday Today's Menu for Emiya Family sortira en mai sur Nintendo Switch au Japon, nouvelle bande-annonce, le groupe Sangatsu no Phantasia pour la chanson thème :

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My first attempt at making a desert background. It didn't turn out terrible, but I will have to go back to this later. XD

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"Aphantasia gives me freedom to think outside the normal way of thinking. This is thinking outside the box ‘on steroids.’ I don’t even have a box to think in,

explores how Alice Coles makes art while having

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Post time-skip portrait for Phantasia is complete!😌👌🏿#FireEmblemThreeHouses

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Well, the official name I'm now calling this little side project will be It's something to pass the time while waiting on stuff to progress on and Hey, remaking a remake game isn't out of the ordinary, right?#indiegame

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Omega Labyrinth Life sales top 50,000, Bullet Girls Phantasia sales top 100,000

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Sometimes I think about the GBA release of Tales of Phantasia accidentally having its final Microsoft Office spell-check turn "Ragnarok" into "Kangaroo" and nobody noticing til it shipped out.

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on that one aphantasia topic, I tried to draw what I basically saw in my minds eye. My dreams tend to look like this too. Very desaturated and splotchy. I also can't keep the image in my head for too long, it fades very quickly or fragments. No inner monologue either. brain empty

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