Day 7 - Daily finger ☝️drawing on my phone.

Turning today’s sketch into wallpaper using the app. I’ll be using this later as a backdrop to some of my internal for my

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The Children shall lead them.....


check the link below!

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dom from my upcoming book that's coming out later this year, less than three!

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You've given me
The best of memories
Anyone could ever hope for
My only regret would be
How you've become a memory
And nothing more

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subscribe to my mailing list now to get early excerpts, merch wips, and the chance to get a free ebook copy of my upcoming book, less than three!

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Proud to announce the release of my first self-published, rhyming children's picture book The beautiful illustrations are courtesy of .

Buy via:

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Seit 4 Monaten ist mein Erstling "Caspars Schatten" nun draußen. Nochmal ein dickes Danke an alle bisherigen Rezensent*innen für sehr viel Lob & sachliche Kritik. rockt. 😎

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Just 4 pages of Metalshark Bro left to draw! I've been drawing so hard and so fast my arms are almost as swole as MSB's.

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Finished this one on the iPad last night. fun little “filler” image I’m using for one of the back pages of my book Blue and the Spotted Hickle Beast. l#editing

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wow, both covers of Gardener next to each other...
it’s almost like you could preorder print copies of them at the same time... from my website.

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