회사에서 작업한
야생소녀에 등장하는 닉키 스킬씬입니다 입니다:)

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내일 오픈하는 저희게임 야생소녀의
공식만화 야생툰 5화 마지막에 나오는 체이스 애니메이션 잡아봤어요
시간쪼개고 쪼개서 겨우만들었네요 ㅠㅠ

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Didn't post this yesterday but a result of the stream! Gonna be taking it into Spine2D and turning it into a lil animation later ♥

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Spine2D 테레사 애니메이션
사용된 일러스트는 RoseNyang님의 허락을 받아 제작하였습니다.

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Day 4️⃣3️⃣ of
Today we created a sheep 🐑!
Poor little thing gets so scared sometimes...

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I don't think I'll be scared if a ghost is as cute as this.
Available at:

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Canines are my favorite; Monbots or the actual animal. What about you?
From the game:

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Character design and animation provided for https://t.co/gE6X7hdyly via https://t.co/XWsPDcZQR5

I do remember years ago that this is one of the hardest animation I did with spine.

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일단 이 그림은 여기서 마무리! 덤으로 파츠도 나눈 생태입니다

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