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Downfall of #Númenor The #Akallabêth #silmarillion #tolkien
#Eowyn vs #Nazgul challenge by David Demaret #LOTR #tolkien
#Today 9 March (3019 TE) At dusk Frodo and Sam reach the road to Minas Morgul #Tolkien
Helm's Deep #LOTR #tolkien
#Nazgul art by Alejandra-perez #LOTR #tolkien
#Lothlorìen Caras Galadhon #LOTR #tolkien
#Annatar #Sauron and The One Ring #LOTR #tolkien
#Valar #Valaquenta #Silmarillion #tolkien
Illustrations by Kimberly80 #illustration #Kimberly80 #art #tolkien #hobbit
#Morgoth and #Fingolfin #silmarillion #tolkien
The Battle of Helms Deep art by TobyCarr #LOTR #Tolkien
Second Battle of Fords of Isen, Erkenbrand defeated #tolkien
Mouth of #Sauron, Servant Of #Gorthaur,The New Shadow #LOTR #tolkien
“Never laugh at live dragons.” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien #TheHobbit #LOTR #LeHobbit
#Hobbit #tolkien
#Tuor and #Ulmo #Valar #silmarillion #UnfinishedTales #tolkien
The Dead Marshes #Silmarillion #UnfinishedTales #LOTR #tolkien
Yr: 3019-3. Pippin steals the palantír. #LOTR #Tolkien art by Noe-Izumi
The lord of the rings by TolyanMy #LOTR #tolkien
The #Ents by John Howe #LOTR #tolkien