Happy Don't worry, we won't judge you for getting fries 😉🍟
Comic by Dustin (): https://t.co/6B5uB8NYzg

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Guide utk buang sampah di restoran fastfood. Sangat simple, 3 step, tanpa perkataan. Retweet supaya makin ramai orang prihatin pasal kebersihan awam.

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A thread of Labor Day cartoons!

This one was just published today by . Transcript here: https://t.co/s0h5Fc9xhS

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Bonus Episode Time!

Scott from joins us as we enter the Wacky World of talking fries and the hideous abomination that is only known as

Listen here: https://t.co/SdpMC9Htn6

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And I drew something. My fastfood cat who enjoyed KFC and my AWD who wants food too o,o


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we beefin, the most fire mixtape of the year got ronald wigless, burger king shook & the colonel quaking. .


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Allfather D'Aronique blesses this 🤮 🍔 inspired by . by .co

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