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114 827

CW // Blood
Happy Halloween! 🖤

I really like the concept of vampire Sebastian/Bucky for some reason. The shirtlessness wasn't planned originally, but, uhm, enjoy? 🙈😅

4 12

X23 for
My first so much fun, I have enjoyed drawing her a lot. Would like to try another version more violent. And with Wolverine ^^

4 12

Inktober + Witchtober 2021
Día 19 - Loop (Bucle)

Para la palabra de hoy fue... "Dormammu, he venido a negociar".

0 5

Hi everyone, Marvel super hero Doctor Stranger paint in Caricature style. Hope you love it.

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IT'S 's BIRTHDAY! (except it's not anymore) so we drew her favorite Character twice both the version and the versions!

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Well... what can I say? I was painting The Winter Soldier for two weeks. It's never too late for the inspiration!

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I had this idea yesterday and so I did it, I was gonna do Thor too but Loki proved that drawing in the demon slayer style was FUCKING HARD, ESPECIALLY when it came to hair....

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For a DTIYS on Instagram with the focus being on self-inserts in your favorite fandoms - so here I am as a half-Light Elf, half Asgardian sorceress teaming up with . GET HELP NEVER GETS OLD!

2 8

Just completed this commission of Storm from the X-Men. Enjoy.

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8 - Mutação (mutation)

"Who am I? That, my dear, is an excellent question. Though not one easily answered." - Mystique

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