Loved this game, play as a player and build your career going up the leagues at getting to play for bigger clubs, pick plays in the game and try to score, different type of a footy game worth a look

2 7

An interesting look at Mikro-Gen from the June 1985 issue of &ad for their then 4th coming game. Includes ,probably,the 1st mention of Shadow of the Unicorn, tho the title& ill-fated interface that finished off the company, isn't mentioned

3 17

Always fun playing any Monty gam, one of the best Platform game series on the Micros, Monty is a cool character also

11 38

Played this loads, one of the first games that the tape was almost worn out, great game, the is an engineering masterpiece, it is still used today

11 26

They tried to put this game on the Micros and if you are ok with 3 FPS it's worth a look just to see how they done it.

8 37

or depending on area of the world, a great shooter where you swap weapons and collect power-ups

13 33

Another classic top down racer, played this all the time, you could really punt the other players of the track or into hazardous, great fun.

8 22

An exciting bonus book content post today for Daffy Duck, with exclusive video of the cancelled edition and many assets too. Also hi-res scans and other bits and bobs. Enjoy!

7 18

Although I loved the version of this, it was the ZX I played first and enjoyed it, I think it captures the Cartoon very well

10 32

Really like the for Game Over wonder how many it sold just for that, game was good also, It had a sequel called Game Over II with had more great boxart

9 17

I thought the games were pretty average, but they sure did look good, another one of those games where it's pretty much impossible to enjoy,brutal

7 19

Championship Sprint, I feel like the had lots of these type games, not the first but it's a good one, it came with it's own track editor which was nice.

8 30