Myriam; kickass brainiac Sappho of the Way Underground, New West Region, HCS-117, Area 301, Sector 8H, Bravo Blue Division. Art by Tim Larsen

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*to the tune of the Bill Nye theme song*

Brainiac5 & SupermanX

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Finally got around to drawing a LoSH cartoon-inspired corrupted!Brainy concept. I know a similar story arc in live action would be just as heartbreaking as the animated one was... but ngl, I still kinda want it.

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More from my long history of Superman fighting Brainiac

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Huge thanks to and for the tremendous
and commission!
I love the comic community here! Too generous!

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Brainiac 5 of the Legion of Super Heroes by sketchmasterskillz on Instagram

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This original art as done by for . i tried but I think that I really don't understand light yet.

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YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! (Shoot dance rn), so happy to be finally reading this. Already pre-ordered it, HYPED!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND you guys read this b/c.....its just GREAT. Hope we see this ⏬ version of Brainiac in the soon

4 9

Since the fake supergirl comic fans are back at it, here's the real facts from supergirl comics

Kara is queer in comics
Lena is almost always Kara's best friend & is good
Brainiac 5 is the biggest love Kara has had in comics
Kara never had any deep romantic feelings for Mon-el

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