Adding colliders to meshes. Sometimes the generated ones just don't cut it. :)

14 36

Two copies of meshes in game, one for low res collider. Always thinking low-res base forms to detail from

1 2

True! it's just that meshes are commercially standard now, managed something drawing frame by frame :)

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Is it a known issue that directional lights in go through meshes without smoothing groups?

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GPU Curl Meshes by . Built with Three.js.

11 17

quick gif out of some old meshes, i liked that crown

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Relearned gradient meshes on the fly today, making some leaves.

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Working on the base meshes for the warrior's clothes and armor

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just implemented helmet and armor meshes. here's what the game looked like a week ago, and how it looks now.

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moar level design. seeing how far i can push a couple meshes

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