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HAPPY HOLIDAYS @Spaghetti42069 !! ꜂₍⁽ˆ⁰ˆ⁾₎꜄
I was your #secretanna this year and had the pleasure of drawing Nils!! 🙏
Impeccable taste!! I hope you like it ;w;!! @FESecretSanta
This was a good Secret Anna. Got a wonderful Ninian from Cecilyn on the Compendium, made a Rinea for Patchikun and a Ninian with Nils for Serena.
Nils Holgersson anime cels
#AnimeCel #TakamuraStore #NilsHolgersson
Illustration from The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf, who was born #OnThisDay in 1858 and in 1909 became the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize. Read Jenny Watson on the complex depths beneath her seemingly simple tales: https://t.co/QSVOZsRbmk #OTD
La collection Métamorphose nous gâte en cette fin d'année. Et c'est pas fini.
Preview Nils #3 - L'Arbre de vie - @jerome_hamon , Carrion - @editions_Soleil @barbaracanepa - https://t.co/T5mjYmbFOG
Today in The Experiment Station, we dive into Nils Dardel's (Sweden) "The Dying Dandy". https://t.co/IK8bHTc2lX #NordicImpressions
Nils for fecompendium wheres walhart, he a cutie 💚
Ein kleines Bild für den lieben "Schnils" (aka Nils, @KAISERVERUS5 ) :P ❤😛
Hdl, #Kaisergarde
Lieber Nils, Danke! Für was? -Na, für alles. Das du uns mit Videos & Streams unterhaltest. Das du, egal ob du Krank bist, immer trotzdem Content für uns produzierst.(Obwohl du dich lieber ausruhen solltest!)Das du immer für uns ein offenes Ohr hast. Danke! Hdl #Kaisergarde
Day 7 of #feinktober18 #feink2018 and OH BOI was it deceptively hard. Flutes suck, my dudes. On the other hand, flutists make amazing expressions when they hit high notes soooo~~ >:3c But I drew Nils for day 7's theme and experimented w/ cool colors more! @feinktober
He's finished! Here's Nils for @fecompendium Where's Walhart project! Sweet boy just wants to find his sister. #fireemblem
Danke für den tollen Stream, lieber @KAISERVERUS5! Hab während des Streams ein wenig gezeichnet: Tadaa Nils im Einhornkostüm! ❤😍 xD