Love hatred joy or
gloom all but the blooms
Mind in
enfolds moments that exude
the enduring scent of each

12 80


Jenosa retied her hair after squeezing out as much green critter goop as possible from her long, red hair. It'd probably be futile, given the constant nasties crawling - or floating - about, but still.

This mission was proving to messier than she liked.

1 7

Jenosa's fingers glide across across blue-white, state-of-the-art bio-suit she'd be wearing on this mission.

"I presume there's a AI embedded in this," she asks.

"Yes," the tech said

"Caaan I have my AI installed?"


"That's a 'yes' or I don't go."

1 11

A Jungian bunion
Popped up on my toe

Don’t know if it’s born
Of my id or ego

It’s willful & wonton
These two things I know

Make up our convos

And tho I don’t like him
I can’t make him go

2 16



4 17

I multiplied love into weeks
And months,
Then divided my heart into
Years and centuries,
To write poetry that never
I’ll fly without wings to
Touch dreams within tinted
To hide in eyes full of love…

62 194

At the end of the hallway digestion becomes the least of their worries. Eat your way through 7 buffets, the initiation challenge had read. Text books lightly sautéed progressing to pickled intestines had not prepared them for roasted professor.

5 29

Ominous maelstroms pulsate like dysfunctional clockworks over haunted bodies of water..where time has been ~ forgotten,


22 52

waves crash at my feet. I can feel my life fading as fast as the sand sliding between my toes. Death awaits.

A young girl skips by. It’s like seeing new people arrive on the last day of your holiday. Sickening.

‘It’s ok’ she says. ‘You get more than 1 holiday.’

11 56

In that one moment, Gin understood. "#You have no power over me," she said to Taeben who was beet red with fury. "You put that idea there along with a fear of Sath. It was all you, and it was NEVER real."

He lunged, but she was already running away.

1 21

The to the deep cave has a faint metallic scent, like iron, or blood..
My flashlight reveals a massive object in the cavern.
3.0 stirs, shedding rust flakes
"You returned, Master?"
I but don't correct him

6 34


My dad had ten brothers & mom had eight, which is to eighteen uncles—and never did I feel unsafe growing up! I think we all are in agreement that today we have to into our hearts first and then get back to civility!✍️🏽#vsspoem

3 16

There are moments in life
when you realize
you’re in a horror movie
and you must choose wise

Let it go
or lie in wait
or plot

Win lose or draw
Eyeing death’s maw
Hoping to survive
terrors you

5 28

The xanthic sun pierced the Lovecraft
becoming a fiery eye as it descended
upon Arkham.
I fetid fogs parted in its wake
revealing the sinister spires and
trash heap fires.
Fetid fogs of my nightmare
parted as I awoke. Sparing me
further horrors.

1 9

M. expelled himself from himself to make room for me.
Neither of us the bad omens.
We desperately wanted to love.
Yet there is no love that can fully satisfy us. The bed exhausts the passions of the flesh. The imagination takes care of the rest.

56 217


"Now Doctor, you know they're back in vogue for keeping up blood flow in reattachments.
Why so squeamish?"

"You don't understand!
They're huge, monstrous pets. That patient was drained before my very eyes.
He knows I

5 24

Putrid projectiles hit everywhere—ricochet—as if fired by a see-saw soldier. Pestilence is a rider deranged; mind as diseased as the rest of his corporeal host. It's horseman roulette what sticks and what misses, but we're all plague bearers now.

7 34

I often tend to use a hard outer shell

Still in defense against the most vulnerable cheeks .

Those nerves may invest in acidic burns.

But there is a plenty of room to breathe ,

and space to explore.

Do you mind the right walk to summers now .

41 121

I don’t have to be
I just want to win
Corporations are people
It is my job to spin

We write legislation
We spend big bucks
Your politicians
are owned by us

How do you think policies
hated by most people
sail through congress
to become law
and make rights illegal?

1 15

An amazingly upright baby, ready to walk out of that manhole. This is the way to do c-sections. They open up magical circular holes without physicians. Or perhaps they installed a belly door.

23 150