Fun fact: purple is a very important color in my book. As it represented royalty in traditional history, in this world it represents the power of magic. I wonder how powerful she’ll become...

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Click on the link to see my BEAUTIFUL cover and a sneak peak at the plot of my very first book!

3 3

On a fantasy adventure which role best describes you?

1 Green Thumb
2 Mechanic
3 Secret Agent
4 Animal Whisperer
5 Healer
6 Charmer
7 Artist
8 Spitfire
9 Knight
10 Guardian
11 Trickster

Now go ahead and tag the rest of your crew!

1 0

An enchanted harp, a snow-white girl, seven brothers, and another world! Jack may have been blessed with the gift of music, but no gift from the faeries comes without strings.

Check it out at:

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I'd love to give you a free book! <3 Start the trilogy today. Join me for free exclusive access to the prequel story to the "unputdownable" bestselling fantasy series Return of the Dragonborn:

11 16

I just need 8 more pre-orders to reach my goal and have only one week left until release! Help me reach my goal and get Protector while it's 99 cents.

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A drop of fantasy in the ocean of reality - The Mysterious Soldier⚔️ book free to download

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Happy Monday, loves! I can FINALLY share the cover of SEA WITCH (stunning art from !) 💕

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• Do you believe in fairies? Knight-in-training Azi didn't, until...

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