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Anya popcorn anya popcorn

14 16

No importa que hora sea, me gusto y quiero publicarla :D Hayyyy la nna!!!

8 42

アートブロックを経験していたので、モチベーションを取り戻すためにこれを行いました。アーニャはとてもかわいいです! (> v <)

3 14

Someone please give this kid all the peanuts in the world! She's so precious

0 4

minha bebe que eu vou proteger 🙏

❤️+🔄= todo meu amor 😭

22 59

They pulled all the stings of my heart❣️After watching the episode I couldn't resist to draw this adorable father & daughter duo, or as the adorable Anya says chichi to musume. ♥️

1 4

So happy that 's anime is out! ☺️✨ Wanted to draw Anya for a long time so here she is

11 30

Last night we watched "Spy x family", I loved it and I love Anya so much, so I decided to draw her, I hope you like it!

16 64

Anya peanuts ga suki! (>᎑<๑)/♡

p.s. itu Anya pake kostum kacang, guys. aku ngga bisa nggambar kacang... ;----;

61 214

Anya got a pistol with a silencer
What could go wrong?

38 225

Anya and Bond! From Spy x Family!!

My viewer suggested to draw her and then i added her doggo hehehehe

17 79