디오니소스를 전달하는 헤르메스 (1823–1880) Pieter Gerardus Bernhard (1813–1880)
- 표정이 ‘아 진짜 내가 하다하다 애 배달도 해야하나’ 인데

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Germán Hernández Amores.1823-1894. Orion Riding a Dolphin.

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In 1823 the Toll Bar was moved from the bridge to the & Turnpike at Cottingley Bar, where it was attacked by a mob angry about the charges. Tolls ended in 1858 & the Bar House was demolished in 1913. What a

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to American paleontologist, parasitologist, and anatomist Joseph Leidy, born in 1823! Among many other works, Leidy authored Fresh-water rhizopods of North America (1879), which had many beautiful and detailed plates, like the ones featured here

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カスパー・ダーヴィト・フリードリヒ『エルベサンドスタイン山の風景』1822-1823年 ウィーン・オーストリア絵画館

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Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) :
- The Oaktree in the Snow (1829)
- Inside the forest in the moonlight (vers 1823-1830)
- Rocky ravine in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains (1822-1823)
- The Cross Beside The Baltic (vers 1815)

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今日は モフ

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La mort d'Arthur
James Archer 1823-1904 Scottish.

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Miniature Dioramas. More often seen in 19th century museums - The diorama was invented by Louis Daguerre and Charles Marie Bouton, first exhibited in Paris in July 1822 & in London on September 29, 1823.The meaning "small-scale replica of a scene, etc." is from 1902.

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8月14日 ローマ教皇 誕生(1742-1823)
1801年に と政教協約(コンコルダート 教会と国家間の協定)を結びました。その結果フランス革命後に教会が復興しました。ナポレオンの皇帝戴冠式に出席しましたが教会の政治利用を問題視し、ナポレオンを破門しました。

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没(BC30)、#徳川家光 誕生(1604・太陽歴換算、第3代将軍)、#シーボルト 長崎着任(1823・太陽歴換算、医師)、#佐久間象山 暗殺(1864・太陽歴換算)、#シベリア出兵 (1918、ウラジオストク上陸)、#バーンズ回答(1945、#第二次世界大戦、#ポツダム宣言)、つづく

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The Admiral's House (The Grove), 1823

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Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Grounds, by John Constable 1823
Oil on Canvas

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If your marigolds don't open their petals by 7 AM, there will be rain. 🖌️: Kawahara Keiga, ca. 1823-29, from the Kawahara Collection at .

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"Joyas y baratijas"
Pierre Charles Comte (francés, 1823-1895) asistió al taller de París de Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury (francés, 1797-1890). Si bien es un adepto a las grandes escenas de historización alentadas por sus maestros y luego tan populares y prevalecientes en Francia.

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7月6日は 🎹


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