Dog!Jonathan is my new kink, Im tired of Cat!Dio (for now)
Also I Take reference to draw his tail and ears to the breed Staffordshire bull terrier.
So during these days maybe you see more of dog!Jonathan in my twt

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A little drawing for my favorite jojo, the best boyo of them all. I think i captured pretty well his thickness hsha 😳💕✨
Hope you like it as well <3

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《Retweets are appreciated 💞》
Joined on instagram !! Followed a bunch of jojo artists and it's great 😔👌

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Please look at his right arm. This is the first time I am confident in a beefy meat truck arm

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双性转注意 大概是逃课承子(自以为很帅气的)英雄救美 结果反被ol乔娜姐姐训了的故事XD

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sorry, this is very homo, but my mom was asking me to do version "pls no blood"😂🌚

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Все мы знаем, что Дио иначе не умеет ❤️

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I wish he could live a bit more....(((

Я его очень люблю и мне грустно, что он не смог прожить длинную и счастливую жизнь вместе с Эриной и Джорджем. Кстати его Джонатан и держит )

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Захотелось чего-то теплого после одного грустного тик тока(((

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Вампир-Джонатан 😃

Ну и конечно голый торс, а как без него

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