Reviving my punny holiday creations to hopefully spread a little cheer amidst all the madness 🤓✏️❤️ If they make you smile (or even just cringe) a little, my job here is done!!

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Pet Peeves 12/16/21, in which CJ is prepared to make sacrifices for . (Check out the Pet Peeves books at!)

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Omicron variant be like

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Continúa la saga superheróica con Susana Distancia vs Omicron

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Andy Davey: That ol' boosterish Cnut seems to be at odds with doomster courtier, the Prof, over the wave - political cartoon gallery in London

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That ol' boosterish Cnut seems to be at odds with doomster courtier, the Prof, over the wave. [Telegraph Friday 17/12/21].

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Our resident protein structure guru has created some beautiful new spike images, now available in Mutation Explorer, including this one of (BA.1).

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