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『ニーアオートマタ』のコンセプトアートを手掛けた幸田和磨氏による『NieR Orchestra Arrangement Album』3商品のジャケット画像が公開!!美しい・・・ - https://t.co/P3LVAhzRXh

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So the cover art for the NieR Orchestral Arrangement album has been revealed and wow is that great! The characters just hanging out where it all began!

Look at all that "snow".

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9/12 発売
『NieR Orchestra Arrangement Album』3商品のジャケット画像を公開しました。


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A place where nobody dared to go
The love that we came to know
They call it Xanadu...

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it's time for a new batch of Album Characters. this time i'm doing unknown mortal orchestra, who i'm surprised isn't more popular;
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (2011)

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Going to be in Chicago for the Orchestra on July 13th? Come join our at AT&T Plaza and Auditorium Theater! Those who attend will receive a special sticker! (Design by ) https://t.co/AGtZBWYwMG

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【コラボシリーズ】Osaka Shion Wind Orchestraトランペット奏者の、新穂優子さんがモデル「にーぼラク」です🎺金髪がキュート🤗

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We have a write-up on the Key 20th Anniversary Orchestra Concert! https://t.co/KTfQRKrecT

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Orchestra sleep quietlyはスターゲイザー。と対になる作品なので合わせて聴いて頂けますと、わたくし喜びます。

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2018年9月17日開催『NieR Orchestra Concert』


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Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan was out on this day in 2012. This entry expands on the series with a navigable overworld and an orchestrated soundtrack.

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Done with the sticker I’ll be giving out at the Boston kh orchestra performance!

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The Great Masked Ball is London’s immersive Swan Lake experience. It fuses dance, theatre, feasting, fantasy and a live orchestra into one enthralling whole. From July 12th, 2018 make sure to grab a ticket before they are all gone. https://t.co/5Jx9erwkKD

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「NieR Orchestra Concert」スクウェア・エニックスe-STOREよりチケット当選者の方へ当選通知を送信いたしました。外れてしまった方、チケット購入を検討している方、イープラス最速先着先行受付を7/ 7 12:00〜7/13 18:00にて実施いたしますのでお見逃しなく!!


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