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I'm quite proud of myself for holding back on spending my primogems just for him... Though I can't say that about my patience and attention span to draw lately. 🥺
#XIAO #GenshinImapct
i lost my first acc on twitter
i am in pain 😂😂😂
anyway here is xiao my baby boi
he is the next banner yet i dont have primogems good job me XD
(This is usagialice)
The #Xiao request I finished today. #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactfanart I must roll for him 🥲 but I have no primo lol
@Catfood_McPhee You need to read more Far Side cartoons. Yeah yeah, they're boomer humour for powerpoint displays and a bit overrated but Gary Larson INVENTED that genre. AND the thagomizer! Now get your sabre-tooth paws off my Venus of Brutendorf and drag your primordial pouch OUTTA MAH CAVE!
#LatinForTheDay - 17 January
"Aeneas, quamquam et sociis dare tempus humandis
praecipitant curae turbataque funere mens est,
vota deum primo victor solvebat Eoo.
ingentem quercum decisis undique ramis
constituit tumulo fulgentiaque induit arma,...
“Il popolo di Roma non è propriamente cattivo, ma passionale e selvaggio nella sua collera. L’assenza di giustizia penale fa sì che ceda al primo impulso che prova, qualunque esso sia.”
Sthendal,da “Passeggiate Romane”
#InViaggioASalaLettura #SalaLettura
È stato ucciso #GonzaloCardona, l'uomo che tra #Colombia e #Ecuador si batteva per la protezione dei #pappagalli rari, in particolare il pappagallo dalle orecchie gialle.
È il primo attivista per l'ambiente ucciso nel 2021. L'anno scorso nel mondo ne sono stati assassinati 64.
Yasssss @MillieManders Burnout at No.17 #PrimordialRadioUpVote !!!💖 @PrimordialRadio
He longs for the day he’ll wear his mask and dance👹 🍃
Adeptus Xiao I count the days until I can forfeit my primogems to you 🙏
#GenshinImpact #原神
"I'm sorry, I'm not ready to come home just yet! Maybe if you spent a few more thousand of those primogems ..." ✨ #genshinimpact #原神
MAN.... life is good. i got simeon UR+ card in Obey Me, i got popping candy cookie and the new vampire cookie's costume in cookie run, my primogems are slowly increasing again in Genshin, clearly there will be nothing that can ever destroy my happines-
Pulled him from the standard banner with free acquaint fates and 160 primogems 😄 I do not have the resources to level him!
Primo Divinatore Iulius Aevidius was was known and applauded for his strenuous fight against public nuisances such as the half-giant Marcus, one of the most famous faces of the rebellion."
full on patre0n!