Some progress for 's VRC avatar for Lucy! Started this yesterday. Trying to gauge how long an avatar will take me. She's being high def sculpted + re-topologized afterwards and honestly that method is working really well for me. ☺️

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retopology starting.... i think ive improved a bit!! i still have to probably figure out how im gonna make the caruncles (the circled parts last pic) show up better but i like how i did the face retopo for the most part (except the middle forehead oh well)

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Topological Hotcakes. rikekoi 4

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思わず (゚Д゚ノ)ノスゴィッ!!と声がでてしまいました。

とりあえずStanford 3Dをリトポしてみたのですが、ボタン1つでこのクオリティはホントに素晴らしい😍

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I've been wanting to rig these guys for awhile because I'm obsessed with their designs and expressions. The unfortunate news with rekindled that. I am going to have quite the challenge with the face. Starting with a block-out without a sculpt or topology pass.

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Some Stills and Topology

3 11

Il 21 aprile del 753 a.C. nasceva, secondo la tradizione, la città di Roma! Siete pronti a seguire la Gens Papera nelle sue nuove avventure?

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To give rise to a new generation✨

WIP, fresh out of retopology and mesh reduction

1 24

Fiat 500 'Topolino' 完成。


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sharing these two is they're a couple.

Mitsu (left) and Vespa (right)
Mitsu's a eccentric Japanese honeybee transfer student, Vespa's an outwardly cool Italian-American hornet resident, both are students at the local uni found in Insectopolis.

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I finished a thing today! First time sculpting in Blender. Forgot to use dynamic topology but when I did try it, I didn’t know how to set it up. Anywho, now to take a lil break and then paint the texture and retopology.

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Número 2 😁
KND: Los Chicos del Barrio 😎
Realizado en Blender 2.93.4 Eevee
P.D. En el video de la malla lo subdividí en 2 para que se viera mejor la topología

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Work in progress, next step: retopology . I love The Owl House with every part of my soul, I'm so grateful with all the amazing crew that makes this show possible.
Thanks you guys 🥺

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Il 15 aprile del 1452 nasceva Leonardo Da Vinci. Genio rinascimentale, pittore, architetto e scienziato, rivoluzionò sia le arti che la storia del pensiero e della scienza. Non è un caso che in questa data venga celebrata anche la giornata mondiale dell'arte!

17 65

Buenas a todos!!! Les traigo la portada del capitulo 14 de mi novela Nazz: Odisea Multiversal, la cual trae a la pareja Nico y Tina,Umbra y el personaje de el Dr.Occitopol.
La novela está disponible en wattpad. Pasen a leerla y dejen sus comentarios

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The Russian Baltic Sea flagship Suvarov, sunk at Tsushima 1905
The Russian Black Sea flagship Moskva, sunk off Sevastopol, 2022

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