Born in Belfast, he attended the Académie Julian (1870s). He returned & was associated with the Glasgow School. In 1888 he was chosen to depict the Queen & Glasgow Int’nl Exhibit. Pious Reflections (1879-80), a Lady Sewing (1881) A Conquest(1881) & Between the Sittings (1882)

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Here's a visual match for the image on the left: After the thunderstorm, 1879 from

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エドガー・ドガ『ファンを持つ踊り子』1879年頃 個人蔵

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Charles Baxter, 1809 – 1879, English painter, Portrait of a girl with a water pail

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Notholirion macrophyllum / Lily, by (English, 1879-1972), who died (Oct 12). Published in Curtis’s Magazine, 1934; source, ,

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Le 7 octobre 1879 : La Grande Bretagne entre en guerre contre l'Afghanistan, lieu stratégique entre le Proche-Orient et le sous-continent indien.

Un protectorat est installé. Le but étant de créer une zone tampon face à la menace de la Russie tsariste.

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A weaver at Jalalabad, Afghanistan, 1879.

From "The Illustrated London News", 17 May 1879.

Artist: Frank Dadd


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"Kolumbus sucht das Koeningspaar Ferdinand und Isabella von Spanien im Lager zu Santa Fe vor Granada…"
(In Santa Fe near Granada, Columbus tries to get the support of Ferdinand and Isabella for his exploration plans) 1879.

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Thea Proctor 🇦🇺 (b. 2.10.1879)
'The Bay' (1927)
Pencil and watercolour on silk
20.4 x 20.1 cm

I was sure I had tweeted some of her artworks before but a search couldn't find any such tweets.

I remember seeing this at the 'Sydney Moderns' exhibition in 2013.

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Study for Predella No. 2, for "Dante's Dream": Dante Awakening from His Dream, 1879

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Charles Camoin
(France, 1879-1965)

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‘I am Plague: I have come from yon city where ten thousand lie dead: one thousand were slain by me, the rest by Fear.’ - Moncure Daniel Conway M.A. from Demonology and Devil Lore first published in 1879.

Art by an unknown Mexican artist dated 1952

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明治大正期の染色図案家 谷上広南(1879‐1928)による木版画集「西洋草花図譜」より。当時輸入された海外の草花を、色鮮やかな木版画で描いた本作は、日本製のボタニカルアートとして人気の高い作品集です。

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(1879–1934) was a Polish Jewish - spent time perfecting his art in France, Germany, and Austria.

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ポール・セザンヌ『ルイ・ギヨーム』1879-1880年 ワシントン・ナショナル・ギャラリー

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Charles Camoin ( September 23, 1879-May 20, 1965 ) was an French painter-nature-morte-camoin

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Καλημέρα-Władysław Czachórski (22 September 1850 – 13 January 1911) was a Polish painter.Portret Władka (1879)

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