Androssi beat him ass up and then go to a date with Baam

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Androssi compain about Hatsu stink like a shit then go with Baam with a date

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Androssi and Baam date meanwhile Htasu commit seppoku

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Androssi beat hard Koon's ass and take Baam to a date
perfect ending

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Nope but Androssi is on love with baam

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Messing around with a lipstick tutorial and I ended up drawing Bam

Then I drew Khun's reaction 😂 I'm pleased with the results

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this is not Androssi personality.
she want be seen by Baam as the strong girl even if her heart is really weak

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in the first season even without be aware of it Baam make Androssi fall in love with him
is not like in other anime here Baam really do something to make her fall in love

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Nope before enter in the room Androssi cleary make Baam understand
look her face and Baam accepted

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Baam have no problems of being with Androssi alone
Look he follow her in her room without any problems even if Koon was contrary

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Has Baam ever protested or denied that he is called a boyfriend?
no and according to the law those who keep silent is giving the consent

Based anon you confirm Androssi x Baam

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Baam is happy of going out with Androssi

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Baam never love anyone
he have a 5yo brain thanks Rachel, like a baby he just have friends and about her FEMALE FRIENDS androssi is the most important one

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Because Androssi heart is already steal by Baam

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androssi is the heroine so she is the romantic interest
for Baam androssi life is the most important thing

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: Reunion / Firsts

An unexpected reunion

Hi this might just be my only prompt ima do askdal hope I'm doing this right LOL

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Baam dont love no one
his brain is of a 5yo baby but for him Androssi is the most important girl in his life

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you are a fucking cuck who think about a fucking NTR SHIT
Androssi love only Baam

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fuck off NTR cuck
Androssi and Baam love is eternal

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Originally it was for the Tanabata, in the end, I think I combined it with the Obon.
I like Baam hidden by leaves, I hope it shows!
The backgrounds and sheets were really fun to make!

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