Tuesday. The day after. More of my and “nah-hah’s” Inspired by irreverence and laughter, curls and kinks and bravery. https://t.co/Cn15uFYRmq

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Finnaly, Collin has a wardrobe that consists of more than one outfit :D

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my friend haze had the audacity to compliment me
like how dare u be nice u amazing person

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Thursday and I’m peeking over top the beginnings of the weekend. Inspired by shapes, stripes and red, red lips. A good day all around.

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Wanted to draw my boy feeling good and looking soft. He deserves all the good times.

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Who did people think I meant when I said “my favourite guy”?!! 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣

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got inspired to do a
insp. by

i really am a dead anxiety filled scruffy boi

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지우와 주말 맞이 레슬링 한판!
자전거, 탁구, 피구… 함께하면 다 좋아하지만 뭐니 뭐니 해도 레슬링 같이 할 때 제일 즐거워한다. 시종일관 꺄르르르.

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Achei uma das minhas tentativas de me alto desenhar.
Provavelmente vou mudar isso.

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Kleine Spinne! my Neil Kleinman. His suit is based off of the A rare spider in england. I designed this just as Into the spider verse started having trailers!

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부스스 잠이 덜 깬 지우, 서둘러 나가야 하는데 바깥은 겨울왕국 뺨치는 날씨. 바지속에 드라이기로 2~3분 정도 따뜻한 바람 가득 넣어줬더니 입자마자 “아빠, 잠이 스르르 와요! 잠이 와요~~~ +_+” 한다.

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내복 바람으로 이불 속에 있던 지우, 엄청난 소리와 길이로 방귀를 뀌었다. 정말 화성까지 날아갈 기세다. 대체 어제 뭘 먹은 것이냐 ㅎㅎ

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props to for creating this hashtag (also check them out~)

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바나나와 갈치를 함께 먹으면 알 수 없는 화학반응이 일어나나? 학원다녀온 지우 오후 간식으로 바나나 하나먹고 저녁에 갈치구이를 먹더니 마치 웃음버섯을 먹은 것처럼 몇 시간 동안 까르르르 들뜬 기분이 멈추지 않는다. ㅎㅎ

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