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What are you hiding there?
Kuru no šiem esi kaut kur redzējis? ❓🚎 Pašvaldības SIA "Rīgas satiksme" sabiedriskajā transportā bez maksas brauc 46% no pārvadātajiem pasažieriem, liecina uzņēmuma pārskats par šā gada 1. ceturksni. @LA_lv https://t.co/FDW6HoHpZY
Planning permission last night for @TurkLaunches restaurant on the historic Jesus barge with new Thames mooring at Turks pier #Kingston - working with @IndigoPlanning
에 참가했던 건데 트윗청소하며 날아간거같음...
"짝사랑" 이란 주제였읍니다..
곰순이님의 레노루 연성글 Death and (Re)Born 보고 그렸던 낙서 재업..
Did you know that Fujin, Raijin and Sorceress Edea were all originally concepts to created by Tetsuya Nomura for Final Fantasy VII but were discarded and later used in the follow up, VIII. Specifically, Fujin and Raijin were originally members of the Turks. #FridayFact
From the Huns to the Turks. Mounted Warriors in Europe and Central Asia.
International Conference 25-26 April 2108 RGZM | Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz
"Europe has always been in close contact with the Eurasian steppe region"
i'm not quite sure why i choose to draw the final fantasy boys with the most complicated hair, but i always end up doing so.
reno is my favourite turk (but let's be honest, all the turks are awesome.)
#FFVII #FinalFantasyVII #FF7 #FinalFantasy7 #Reno