day 3! When your tutor(crush) at Avengers Academy doesn't understand personal space

29 153

Wee woo wee woo 🚓🚨🐍🕖✨⚙️
I had...Thor as part of it, but he's such an uwu. He can't join the bad bois club. (Loki's rules).
Also...this can scratch the "draw something vaguely like I would as an edgy emo kid" itch I've had for a while.

12 51

[Police AU]
A buncha loud dudes arguing about a lot of random nonsense that has nothing to do with why Matt Murdock came to the office in the first place. Plz free him, he wants to go home.

56 272

While the King's armor is completely from his own hand.. It could not be animated without the help of his Sorcerer's enchantments~

8 33

Breaks over!
Day 6: Detectives (+sleep deprived IT & suave undercover cop)
When you wanna enjoy a coffee break w/ the bois and then your loud bomb of a brother ruins the peace.

44 238

EMH Tony was turned into a vampire and Steve is kinda shocked/confused (?)
(got this idea from my brother who told me EMH Tony was so pale he looks like a vampire)

31 168