ive had this noodling around in my brain for a while... triforce swap... ganondorf gets kidnapped

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drawing isn't going well but here's more noodling in the general direction of an oc

jeff pulled them half-alive out of a shallow creek, there was a fight until something clicked, and with time they've bonded over being forced to kill by the same malevolent force

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Was a huge Broodwar geek as a kid. Earlier this year i was noodling on an infected medic design, figured i'd post it before it was lost forever on a dusty old hard drive :D

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I was trying to keep this one under an hour( I failed.. it took me an hour and ten minutes, mainly because I was noodling there at the end). I was just trying to do a quick one to let out some energy. That’s all

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Nebu: Origins - page 7
Canoodling is forbidden. :P

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Loose Nuns Not sure there is such a thing.. but Nuntheless for those of you who prefer quick moves and studies here ya go. For what it’s worth these studies are drawn with my whole arm with a full range of motion/movement. No noodling no timidity have a gr8day

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Some older techy stuff I was noodling on, just for fun. Beep boop beep.

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Wool bathing dresses, new-day drinks, canoodling, and other summer 1918 pleasures: https://t.co/WzhS40tHVO

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cw: body horror , gore jic

noodling on the new oc, not quite where i want them yet
they're a former human covered in a mess of grafted-on skin that's loose over their actual body, which is no longer QUITE human shaped
the skin on their face pulls in when they take a deep breath

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conferences always get me noodling on a simpler, more tactile style. Drawing like a child is harder than you think!

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Just noodling around doing a little study this morning, which then morphed into whatever this is. Haven't done something just for fun in quite a while!

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Did some more noodling on the iPad. Need to get myself a matte screen protector aaa
But yes, idea here was what if minoDom had Erik (lynx)’s fuller beard and- well, here.

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your girl got herself the procreate app and i'm noodling around, trying to figure it all out, but the time lapse feature is WILD.

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Noodling about with some design sketches for and his Super Dungeon Master VX game. Going to be fun working on this project 😀💚

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some draws, including a human surina I was noodling around with

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still noodling with faust's design... i think i've got the general look down, im not quite sold on the markings yet tho

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I needed to stop noodling this thing because fuck it

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I had a lot of fun noodling on Jacqui's arms with this one!

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