these Snivelys make me feel what I can only describe as "internal bleeding"

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Now we're on issue of the Sonic Quest mini-series, not to be confused with Johnny Quest, who should also under no circumstances be confused with Johnny Test.

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so yeah. After all that unnecessary and complicated bullshit, Sonic has managed to finally rescue King Acorn from the Zone of Silence, the big goal the Freedom Fighters had since the comic began! Kind of a big deal!

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say I have a dirty mind or whatever but come the fuck on, that's literally a pussy portal

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aaaaaaaaaaaaand Geoffrey is back, hoo boy. I guess that's our cue that this issue is gonna be very uncomfortably heterosexual. Please god hlep.

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idk if I've ever mentioned it yet, probably forgot, don't know don't care, but man I really hate any and all attempts to make Sally act like a monarch cause she's just... not. Like that ain't the Sally I know.

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there's two things that make me "not a real Sonic fan":

1. being highly critical of the series' more recent entries and wanting to see things improve
2. not remembering who beloved duo Hip & Hop from issue of Archie Sonic were

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ok wait I found the better scans for Mecha Madness, now we REALLY get to appreciate this shit

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I hope Pat Spaziante knows he's a goddamn legend cause holy shit dude

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oh no Michael Gallagher your writing really hasn't aged well at *ALL*, why would you make her say this

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