From "The Origin and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes" in Superman Annual Winter 1961. Pencils by Curt Swan, inks by George Klein.

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Loves me some Legion Espionage Squad! Thanks

(Potential SPOILERS from new Walmart 100 page special)

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Continuing with my art theme here is Kara and Brainy carameldansen by SaluDigby1 on youtube

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Via - 7

Planet Gotham! Ultra Boy’s homeworld! Saturn Girl & Cosmic Boy throw down over the Legion’s leadership! Brainiac 5 reveals a secret that will make one Legionnaire quit - and the burning question: Who is the strongest Legionnaire? YOWZA!

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Continuing with my art theme here are Brainy and Kara by the legendary Ramona Fradon

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Continuing with my art theme here are a Silver age and an animated Kara and Brainy both by Hephaise

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Ok I think I have most of the Gawain-ing out of my system...for now...back to our regularly scheduled program...

Continuing my art theme here is Kara and Brainy in an homage to Justice League by

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Continuing with my art theme here is an homage cover of Kara and Brainy fleeing the Time Trapper by Mike Grell

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Continuing with my art theme here is a classic Curt Swan 80s Kara and Brainy and a John Watson homage to that picture featuring 70s Kara and Brainy

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The international holiday of Jesse's birthday now in the rear view it is time to turn our attention to

Here is Brainy trying to master 20th century dating rituals by angel-gidget

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This week we watched and reviewed ORGAZMO

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Promo by:

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New Legion of Eternity card art - December 2019 + January 2020.

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Now I wonder what that could mean Brainy?

*Laurel was the Daxamite version of Supergirl who took over all of Kara’s Legion backstory when Kara was Banned

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