画質 高画質

A writer’s duty is to register what it is like for him or her to be in the world.

113 99

The ironclad rule is that I have to try. I have to walk into my room & pick up my every morning.

30 39

myHeart is burning at theEdge ofLove
and no wave back
please wait

3 6

Leave a decent space of time between writing something and editing it.

123 134

I went to college, but I learned to write by reading and writing.

73 133

A writer fails, not when a reader is not moved; but when, as a reader, the writer is not moved.
~de Marigny

18 35

New Just felt more wordsy this morning than artsy. :)
<3 Morning hug!

0 1

Creation of is a mixture of subjective feel and objective control.

Piotr Ruszkowski

17 27

"Art Careers and Your Personality Type" https://t.co/PlKETwkmIN [Infographic]

0 1