“Lasciamoci guidare da Maria,alziamo lo sguardo,accogliamo la stupenda verità che dà senso e bellezza alla vita:Dio c’è,Dio è meravigliosamente grande e ha il cuore proteso verso gli infinitamente piccoli che siamo noi.”


🎨A.Figino, Incoronata,1583

10 42

7 Nov 1583: John Arden, mother's 2nd cousin, arrested on a charge of conspiring to kill Elizabeth I

4 15

"NZINGA" my​ NFT​#001 a female warrior named after Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba (1583-1663). She was a very powerful and talented person.
Space​ Barbarian​ 1/1​ edition​:

30 31

Jona in de Walvis

Pieter Lastman (1583-1635) 1621

0 2

Yooo! Clean 0N1 there 👌🏾👺🔥
& this side! Welcome to the

0 8

Queen Elizabeth I (r. 1558-1603), born 7 September 1533, sent this letter to the
Mughal Emperor Akbar (r.1556-1605)
The letter was carried by John Newbery and Derby-born London leather merchant Ralph Fitch.
They set sail on the ship Tiger on Shrove Tuesday, 1583

3 9

【夜の4コマ部屋】がんばれ検診etc (4) / サチコと神ねこ様 第1583回 / wako先生 – Pouch[ポーチ] https://t.co/O1cYjNDLLK

106 825

1583日目 今日はproperty syndrome(オリジナル)から内瀬考でおやすみなさい

5 5

still i will if i must
fic for , inspired by codedredalert
chapter 5 - 1583 words

4 8


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Anna Roemers Visscher (1583-1651)was a Dutch artist, poet, and translator, particularly regarded for her diamond-point glass engraving.

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26 May 1583: Baptism of Susanna, the daughter of William & Anne Hathaway (BM)

11 27

Day 1583, day 3, Matron didn't want to be a seapony but ugh, I guess she'll be one anyway UGH

1 1

Interesting map showing the church councils in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.(Before 1720, when this map was published there were only two: in Lima, 1583, and Mexico City 1585) Amsterdam 1720 https://t.co/HJNwgbFnX6

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今日は、1583年、賤ヶ岳の戦いで柴田勝家が羽柴秀吉に敗北した日。越前北ノ庄に敗走し3日後に自害。勝家は織田信長の元で活躍し武功を立て、 猛将として名を馳せました。 信長亡き後は羽柴秀吉と対立。

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