Le Poulpe colossal: Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliere, des mollusques, animaux sans vertèbres et a sang blanc, by Felix de Roissy and Pierre Denys de Montfort, 1805.

81 365

Wugan on the floor having something with CEO Night but was found out by Princely Night.

Now CEO Night is caught in a dilemma and the real question is: Did he two-timed?

All will be answered in the next episode coming in 0805. Stay tuned.

Cr: 熊猫硬硬池猪猪

20 82

참을 수 없는 귀여움.... 기억해.... 210805...... 크리 멘파.....

74 169

Made this for combining his Cool Cat and TARS Kind of neat how the backgrounds were similar in color and features from both meshed well!

13 131

« La mer mugit, les vents sifflent, le tonnerre gronde, la lueur sombre et pâle des éclairs perce la nue, montre et dérobe la scène. » (Diderot)

Prenons le temps de contempler les peintures marines d'Auguste Mayer. Le peintre est né le 3 ou 5 juillet 1805.

7 24

24 Jun 1753 William Hull is born in Derby, CT. Hull rose to become a Maj in the Mass. Line, leading a detachment at Stony Point in 1779. Post he rose to the rank of general &Pres Jefferson appointed him Gov of Michigan Territory in 1805.

3 7

La défaite française de Trafalgar s'est déroulée le 21 octobre 1805.

Sous le commandement d'Horatio Nelson, 27 navires anglais affrontent 33 vaisseaux de la flotte franco-espagnole, dirigée par l'amiral Villeneuve. Sans perte de navire, la victoire anglaise est sans appel.

6 23

[#SIFEN, Birthday 2020 UR Kanan "Finding Shooting Stars"

Att.: Cool

Skill T.: Scorer

Skill D.: Every 26 perfects: 31..66% chance to add 805..4060 score points.

Center: Raise Team Cool by 9%, 3rd Years by 6%.

0 5

Birthday Surprise Kanan UR [Limited] (Score Up)

Skill: every 26 Perfects, 31..66% chance to add 805..4060pts to your score.

Center skill: Cool Empress + 3rd years boost (9/6)

66 193

Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson and HMS Victory leading his column through the Franco-Spanish line during the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805. Painting by Tom Freeman. [1024x768] from /u/JimDandy_ToTheRescue at https://t.co/uqZSFFzefx

15 85

HMS VICTORY breaks the line of the Combined Fleet at Trafalgar, 21st October 1805. Art by Geoff Hunt [1200 x 875] from /u/Mattzo12 at https://t.co/NPuTwh7bwV

16 114

◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 화가 『루이 장 프랑수아 라그레네 1세 (Louis-Jean-Francois Lagrenee)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
● Artist CV: https://t.co/FNUuNxv1Tl

0 0

English entomologist John Westwood was born 1805. We're restoring & opening the Pre-Raphaelite Westwood Room to the public for the first time. https://t.co/qGyZVtYo19
Artistically talented, he’d have loved a gift from our shop https://t.co/cBayZIcLJ9

9 34

Sezincote House is a country estate in Gloucestershire, built in 1805. The bridge from the gardens takes inspiration from Hindu temples. Can you see the similarities between the columns of the bridge and the ruins of this temple in India?

1 8

🐘 A cabinet of quadrupeds
London: Printed for Darton and Harvey . ., 1805.

0 2

Jean-Baptiste Greuze.1725-1805. Portrait of a Young Man. Black and red chalk and stumping,within brown ink framing lines.

0 16

‘The Fall Of Icarus’ by James Gillray, Bohn Edition, 1851. Originally published by H. Humphrey, London, 1805.

5 21

se libró la batalla de en 1805. Hoy recordamos a Churruca, uno de los grandes héroes de la catastrófica batalla. Al mando del navío San Juan Nepomuceno no dudó en enfrentarse solo a seis navíos ingleses a la vez. https://t.co/641u41TFJH

16 55

1805. 불멸의 날들 - 망가라치바

31 47


0 1